Monday, May 4, 2020

Internet Computing for Second Conference-

Question: Discuss about theInternet Computing for Second International Conference. Answer: Introduction: This Assignment will emphasise on the basis of the collection of 12 articles based on Analyzing Social Network Security and Privacy. The following 12 articles will help to analyze and research the various methodologies and techniques which are going to be used for the intention of data gathering, fact-finding. In this report, these 12 articles will also reflect the viewpoint of the scholars and various security issues in online social network and their possible solutions. Main Body: Security Issues in Online Social Networks (Hongyu Gao, Jun HU, Tuo Huang, Jingnan Wang and Yan Chen, 2011) This research has been done to analyse the present security threats in online social networks and available tools and mechanisms to overcome online threat that arises during social networks activities. This research also highlights various kinds of security threats present while doing social networking activities. In this research security threats in online social networks has been categories into four groups and try to find out the appropriate system and mechanism to reduce or overcome the security threat. In this research, the authors discussed every individual category and analyze the relations between the different security issues involved. This research also focuses on privacy and security breach attacks which are very common threats in online social networks. Other than this a brief analysis of the security breaches has been done which has been formed on behalf of serviced provider which includes client-server architecture and responsibility of the service provider to protect t he security of individuals privacy. The researcher has discussed and proposed various alternative OSN architectures for the defence purpose during online networking activities. Other than security breaches by the service provider, users security breaches and third-party application security breaches are also explained (Gao, et, al, 2011). Social Privacy Protector - Protecting Users Privacy in Social Networks (Michael Fire, Dima Kagan, Aviad Elishar, and Yuval Elovici, 2012) This research has been done by the experts of Telekom Innovation Laboratories and Information Systems Engineering Department. This research has been done mainly to evaluate various security issues involves in social networking and its solution. The authors have discussed the security threat and personal privacy threat involved in social networking site FaceBook. The FaceBook has been taken as a case study and various analyses have been done to access the amount of personal information being shared in Face-Book and the consequences of the publicized of personal information in such extents. The authors also discussed the three protection layer of FaceBooks security model , its functioning and effectiveness The security features have been elaborately disused such as authentication process to ensure the registration of user in FaceBook and other user enabled features to protect the privacy and personal information .this research also discussed about the Social Privacy Protector Architect ure in FaceBook such as the friends analyzer Facebook Application, Social Privacy Protector Firefox Addon, and HTTP server security (Fire, et, al, 2012). Privacy in Social Networks Existing Challenges and proposals for Solution (Prof. Dr.Gunther Pernul, 2015) This research has been done to provide the basic information about the security issue in Social networking. Various images and graphical information has been utilized during the illustration of the security models and loopholes in social networking. The primary agenda of the research is to understand the various privacy settings in online social networks. Other agenda of this research is to acknowledge OSN stakeholders and its implications for Privacy. Various tools and process to improve privacy on the provider side as well as addressing the user consciousness has been discussed. This research is not only based on depth analysis of the networking security issue, but to acknowledge the different models of security in social media and user-based privacy protection such as Privacy setting on OSNs in which different options are available for the user. The author also discussed the secure procedure of sharing personal file and information in social media (Gunther ,et,al, 2015). Security Issues in Social Networking (Damera Vijay Kumar, P S S Varma2, and Shyam Sunder Pabboju, 2013) The motive of this research is to analyze the security issue in Social Networking in personal and organizational level. This research also concerns about extensive uses of the social networking by individual and organisations .Most of the organisation are using social media without proper security measures to promote their business which can lead to data theft and other online security issues. The author investigates the dangerous effects of social media such as cyber attacks and data theft in a corporate network. The research also emphasis on various kind of security threat which arises from the comment posted by employees on social media which may cause serious reputational damage for the organization (Kumar , et ,al, 2013). Privacy and social networks (Antoine Fressancourt, 2012) The scope of this research is not limited to security issues, but the author has analyzed the various problems and issue regarding the data security. In this research, the author has elaborately discussed the problem related to the individuals privacy which has been arises due to extensive use of social networking. This research emphasis on important networking security issues such as the process to protect the privacy in the social network, the various regulations that social networking sites required , technological solutions to prevent the privacy for social networks .In this research, various technical issues have been discussed along with various mechanism to protect the users data (, 2018). This research highlighted the critical role of third party service providers. This research also evaluates the complexity of privacy protection and process to deal with misuse of private information in social networking Security and Privacy Measurements in Social Networks: Experiences and Lessons Learned (Iasonas Polakis, Federico Maggi, Stefano Zanero, Angelos D. Keromytis, 2014) The point of view of this research is exploring the practical security and privacy problems which are major issues in the real world in social networks. The authors have shown their ethical concern and IRB approval during the practical exploring the security and privacy problems. The role of SPAM or malware has been analyzed. This research also analyse the various stages of large-scale experiments in OSNs and their workflow. The authors have shared their experience and mishaps happened while researching the possible threat while using various online social networking. The approach for the research has been based on Ethical aspects; photo-based social authentication, threat model, and findings of the research (Polakis ,et, al, 2014). Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks - A Survey(Ed Novak and Qun Li, 2012) The motive behind this research is to highlight the primary issues related to privacy and security in online social networks. The objective of this research is to protect user data and save the user personal and sensitive information from various types of attack which includes advertisers, third-party application developers an online social network platform provider. The various aspects of threats such as locating hubs, network inference, and user attributes have been studied. To understand the security threat the client-server architectures and distributed social networks also analyzed. This research also discussed about the software and hardware systems based on online social network with different models to find out the possible threat and networking failure (Novak and Li, 2012). Security and Privacy in Social Networks (Gail-Joon Ahn, Mohamed Shehab and Anna Squicciarini, 2011) The research discussed the contribution of online social networking sites and their popularity. Authors concerns about the current trends in social networks which require users to become part of the system and policy administrators to protect their online data and information. The unprotected security system of online social network has creates the major security concerns regarding the privacy and data security. This research also discussed the recent emergence of security threat which creates a huge challenge for the researcher and established them in a highly complicated networking arena. This research also investigates the various social network sites and their mode of online communications. This research shows that the various types of online networking sites, their mode of communication and their networking structure. Each social networking site have their own networking system, hence the security threat occurs in different online networking sites are different. The authors also discussed about the Protecting personal informations which are generally linked to various other information, therefore, ensuring the protection of individuals personal information is quite challenging (Ahn ,et ,al, 2011). Analysis of Privacy in Online Social Networks from the Graph Theory Perspective (Leucio Antonio Cutillo, Refik Molva and Melek Onen, 2011) The aim of this research is to analyse the various security issues arises due to extensive uses of online social networks (OSNs). To analyze the security issues authors have discussed the centralized or de-centralized character of the OSN. Author viewed that the privacy and security mainly depend on the graph- theoretical properties of the social media platforms and the methodology and patterns of friendly relations between the users. In this research three metrics are discussed (Cutillo, et, al, 2011). The three metrics are degree distribution, clustering coefficient and mixing time. This research also investigates the relationship between the topological architectures based on social network graph and interaction between the users and service providers. The analysis of social networking has been done on the real threat on the real social network platform. Privacy in Online Social Networks (Elie Raad and Richard Chbeir , 2014) The main objective of this research is to assess the influence of social media in our daily life and its effects. This research also highlights the networks utilize in online social networking. In this research, the data flow diagram, data sharing, and inter-user communication are discussed with their possible privacy-related issues. The major issues about preventing privacy and a various potential threat of invasion available during personal information exchange have been discussed. The analysis has been done on resorting to social network and link mining technique and other privacy issues. In this research, some major challenges are discussed on future privacy related model and data security (Raad and Chbeir, 2014). Role of Security in Social Networking (David Hiatt and Young B. Choi, 2016) The objective of this research is to analyze the various security tools and prevention methods to secure the individuals private information. In this research, various types of security risks associated with social media have been discussed. This research has been completed to help the reader to understand the security and privacy issues. This research also discussed the various steps and process by which a user can protect the personal information and various security tools have been discussed with their ability and limitation which can be utilized by the social network organizations to enhance the security (Hiatt and Choi, 2016). Network Security Threats and Protection Models (Amit Kumar and Santosh Malhotra, 2015) The research describes various network security threat models. In this research, some widespread threat has been discussed such as Trojan horses and spyware, Denial of service attacks (DOS), Data interception and theft. This research also discussed the design of the potential network architecture which provides security from any kind of data threat and other online mischievous activities. The research is based on server security holes which are the major causes of any security threat and theft of data and information. In this research, the authors have discussed protection models based on networking securities. In order to analyze the data and network security, various networking model and firewall has been discussed. Some security breaches techniques such as flooding, keyloggers, Trojan, Phishing, Radio Jamming and other security problems has been elaborately discussed(Kumar and Malhotra, 2015). This research also discussed different layers of protection models in online social network to prevent the cyber attack and data threat. The advanced firewall architecture and improvement of access control procedure has been analyzed. The authors also analyze the consistency problem in firewall rules. The author proposes the highly efficient real-time approach to identify inconsistencies in the firewall. Author emphasis on Firewall Anomaly Management Environment (FAME) and research have been done in order to design and built a powerful firewall architecture which allows the administrator to trace the security threat. Conclusion: From exploring 12 articles above that are mostly related to security thereat and privacy issues arises in social network , it can be conclude that there are various security issues in social networking ,therefore the preventing measures and proper networking security is very essential. References: Gao, H., Hu, J., Huang, T., Wang, J., and Chen, Y. (2011). Security issues in online social networks. IEEE Internet Computing, 15(4), 56-63. Fire, M., Kagan, D., Elishar, A., and Elovici, Y. (2012, October). Social privacy protector-protecting users privacy in social networks. In InProc. of the Second International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics (SOTICS), Venice, Italy. Netter, M., Pernul, G., Richthammer, C., and Riesner, M. (2015, February). Privacy in Social Networks: Existing Challenges and Proposals for Solutions. In International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (pp. 16-27). Springer, Cham. Kumar, D. V., Varma, P. S. S., Pabboju, S. S. (2013). Security issues in social networking.International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security (IJCSNS),13(6), 120. (2018). [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Apr. 2018]. Polakis, I., Maggi, F., Zanero, S., and Keromytis, A. D. (2014, September). Security and privacy measurements in social networks: experiences and lessons learned. In Building Analysis Datasets and Gathering Experience Returns for Security (BADGERS), 2014 Third International Workshop on(pp. 18-29). IEEE. Novak, E., and Li, Q. (2012). A survey of security and privacy in online social networks. College of William and Mary Computer Science Technical Report, 1-32. Ahn, G. J., Shehab, M., and Squicciarini, A. (2011). Security and privacy in social networks. IEEE Internet Computing, 15(3), 10-12. Cutillo, L. A., Molva, R., and Onen, M. (2011, December). Analysis of privacy in online social networks from the graph theory perspective. In Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), 2011 IEEE (pp. 1-5). IEEE. Raad, E., and Chbeir, R. (2014). Socio-graph representations, concepts, data, and analysis. In Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (pp. 1936-1946). Springer New York. Hiatt, D., and Choi, Y. B. (2016). Role of Security in Social Networking. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE AND APPLICATIONS, 7(2), 12-15. Kumar, A., and Malhotra, S. (2015). Network Security Threats and Protection Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.00568.

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