Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Rise of Democracy in Britain Essay -- British Politics Papers

The Rise of Democracy in Britain The dynamic course of the nineteenth century set off an upset inside the domain of British governmental issues. Outside impact and household change made a circumstance where individual interests were constrained into the open circle for political compromise. The move towards fair government was to a great extent unscripted in light of the fact that Britain had no composed constitution to control its way. In this manner, Britain’s interest of majority rules system was not recommended by any guidelines or composed points of reference. Rather, it was the outgrowth of a quick national obligation to satisfy the requests of the disappointed. Britain’s venture towards majority rule government can't be clarified without considering the numerous elements that prodded its turn of events. The powers answerable for progressing equitable government in Great Britain were the various results of a one of a kind arrangement of advancing social, financial, and political structures. To comprehend the powers that pushed Britain towards vote based system in the nineteenth century, one should initially think back to the preconditions that encouraged contemporary social change. The advancement of majority rule government and the ascent of free enterprise are naturally connected. Important to the belief system of free enterprise was the idea that the free individual was making an individual venture of work or administration and getting the methods with which to buy property in return. Consequently, an individual of property was politically contributed. Industrialization, in any case, changed the financial atmosphere that had characterized the manner in which legislative issues worked preceding the nineteenth century. Out of nowhere, society contained gatherings of individuals who were worki... ...pressure that pushed forward the first changes of 1832. This soul of open interest for political portrayal would be fundamental in impelling the future advances of British majority rules system. As the political requests of the center and common laborers came into the open circle just because, the second track of political change emerged. Political associations put their objective at giving open requests a parliamentary voice. The ensuing advancement of political gatherings and intrigue bunches molded the creation of Parliament and its disposition towards change. In the last investigation, the impact of general society and the interests of the gatherings that had created to speak to their requirements met up to push through the incredible nineteenth century changes that later remained as braces to the structure of British majority rule government.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

City Life Beats the Small Town Essay

1. This exposition is an article of both correlation and differentiation in light of the fact that the writer calls attention to the likenesses while looking at the distinctions. For instance, having a film in both modest community and enormous city is a closeness, yet one film in unassuming community indicating three distinct motion pictures at any one time, and a major city having more than one film, demonstrating hundred unique motion pictures immediately is a distinction. 2. The author utilizes the point-by-point strategy recorded as a hard copy this article. 3. The author gives an equivalent number of subtleties that identify with the unassuming community and enormous city so as to provide for the perusers an appropriate comprehension of contrasts between the two ways of life. 4. The various assets and choices accessible in the city, for the individuals originating from various pieces of the world, to discover a gathering or network like their own inception makes life minimal simpler and agreeable for them, just as they get the chance to find out about different societies and ethnicities, which is the prevalent idea of the large city. 5. The proposition of the exposition is, â€Å"Life is better in the huge city, and everything boils down to one general explanation: more choice†. 6. The point sentence of section #2 is, â€Å"One of the regions wherein having decision can be very important is that of friends†. 7. I concur with the creator on account of my own understanding of going to the city of Toronto as an Immigrant. The assets, openings and solace that a major city can give as far as instruction, work, wellbeing, or amusement are exceptionally hard to track down in a humble community.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

What goes around comes around

What goes around comes around One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Mercedes and got out. His Pontiac was still sputtering when he approached her.Even with the smile on his face, she was worried. No one had stopped to help for the last hour or so. Was he going to hurt her? He didn’t look safe; he looked poor and hungry. He could see that she was frightened, standing out there in the cold. He knew how she felt. It was those chills which only fear can put in you. He said, “I’m here to help you, ma’am. Why don’t you wait in the car where it’s warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.”Well, all she had was a flat tire, but for an old lady, that was bad enough. Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. Soon he was able to change the tire. But he had to get dirty and his hands hurt. As he was tightening up the lug nuts, s he rolled down the window and began to talk to him. She told him that she was from St. Louis and was only just passing through. She couldn’t thank him enough for coming to her aid.Bryan just smiled as he closed her trunk. The lady asked how much she owed him. Any amount would have been all right with her. She already imagined all the awful things that could have happened had he not stopped. Bryan never thought twice about being paid. This was not a job to him. This was helping someone in need, and God knows there were plenty, who had given him a hand in the past. He had lived his whole life that way, and it never occurred to him to act any other way.He told her that if she really wanted to pay him back, the next time she saw someone who needed help, she could give that person the assistance they needed, and Bryan added, “And think of me.”He waited until she started her car and drove off. It had been a cold and depressing day, but he felt good as he headed for home, disappearin g into the twilight.A few miles down the road the lady saw a small cafe. She went in to grab a bite to eat, and take the chill off before she made the last leg of her trip home. It was a dingy looking restaurant. Outside were two old gas pumps. The whole scene was unfamiliar to her. The waitress came over and brought a clean towel to wipe her wet hair. She had a sweet smile, one that even being on her feet for the whole day couldn’t erase. The lady noticed the waitress was nearly eight months pregnant, but she never let the strain and aches change her attitude. The old lady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger. Then she remembered Bryan.After the lady finished her meal, she paid with a hundred dollar bill. The waitress quickly went to get change for her hundred dollar bill, but the old lady had slipped right out the door. She was gone by the time the waitress came back. The waitress wondered where the lady could be. Then she noticed something wri tten on the napkin.There were tears in her eyes when she read what the lady wrote: “You don’t owe me anything. I have been there too. Somebody once helped me out, the way I’m helping you. If you really want to pay me back, here is what you do, do not let this chain of love end with you.” Under the napkin were four more $100 bills.Well, there were tables to clear, sugar bowls to fill, and people to serve, but the waitress made it through another day. That night when she got home from work and climbed into bed, she was thinking about the money and what the lady had written. How could the lady have known how much she and her husband needed it? With the baby due next month, it was going to be hard She knew how worried her husband was, and as he lay sleeping next to her, she gave him a soft kiss and whispered soft and low, “Everything’s going to be all right. I love you, Bryan Anderson.”There is an old saying “What goes around comes around.Author: Unknown

Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Case Study About Early Childhood Development - 1286 Words

Julian Armando Villalobos A Case Study about Early Childhood Development ROUGH DRAFT Samantha N. Alvarez California State University, Northridge Tracy S. Ewing, PhD May 18, 2017 Abstract After months of observing Julian during school, physical activity on the playground and plenty of family time, it is clear to see where and how Julian develops in his daily life. It is no surprise that he is growing mentally, physically and emotionally for a healthy child his age. Although there are some concerns regarding his social development, he is a healthy 3 year-old who will eventually master all the skills required to become successful. This case study will discuss the areas in which Julian is excelling and those in which†¦show more content†¦The Villalobos family also have a little Chihuahua named â€Å"Yogi† and a black cat named â€Å"Oliver†, both pets live indoors. Julian loves Spiderman aka Atica, and Mickey Mouse aka Hot Dog. Julian’s favorite thing to do is run around in his diaper at home, color and play outside. Like most 3 year olds, Julian likes to test his limits with Mom and Dad and try to bully his big brother for his big boy toys. In this case study, there will be different settings of Julian’s life that will help examine his physical, cognitive and social emotional development. Physical Development Along the way Julian has developed quite well throughout the prenatal, infancy and toddler stages. He was born on March 26, 2014 by method of a natural birth course. At birth he weighed 6 pounds and measured 19 inches long, which according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention: National Center for Health Statistics, put him in the tenth percentile in weight and the twenty fifth percentile for length. As an infant, Julian’s mom preferred to breastfeed but always had some difficulty with Julian latching on. It became rather painful and then made the choice to give him formula instead and breastfeed occasionally. During the interview with Mr. Villalobos he mentioned that he wished Brenda would have tried harder to breastfeed him a little longer than 6 months. However, he ended that response by supporting Brenda’s decision due toShow MoreRelatedStatus of Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education and Development (Eced)1733 Words   |  7 Pageswritten by Nasima Shakeel The field of human development has recently gained considerable importance globally. This results in shifting the contemporary educational discourse, one that moves ECED closer to the front of policy formation. Literature shows that developed nations are investing enormous resources into their early intervention programs, hence, during the last decade international aid agencies, and some education systems, have promoted the creation and expansion of ECED programs in developingRead MoreIntroduction:. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Analysis Of Macys, Kohls And Burlington - 1544 Words

Introduction The companies that were chosen for a company analysis include Macy’s, Kohl’s, and Burlington. Since the retail industry has been lagging behind lately, these companies will help determine the prospective financial investment in the retail industry. As Macy’s as our primary company, we chose Kohl’s and Burlington to be the two comparative companies. These companies are comparable due to the same SIC code of 5311 in the subgroup of department stores. These companies offer similar products and services with little differentiation between the three. Brief Description of the Individual Companies The Macy’s Corporation was founded in October 1858, and they are headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. The corporation focuses on internet sales in the United States, and they employ 166,900 full-time employees. Macy’s sells a range of merchandise, everything from apparel and accessories for men, women, and children; cosmetics; home furnishings; and other consumer goods. Similar to Kohl’s, Macy’s sells a special range of clothing, accessories, handbags, jewelry and footwear. As of January 20, 2016, it operated approximately 900 locations in 45 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico under the Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, Bloomingdale’s Outlet, Macy’s Backstage, and Blue Mercury names; as well as Websites, including,, and (M Profile | Macy s Inc. Common Stock - Yahoo! Finance). In addition, Macy’s operates as aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Macys Financial Analysis1303 Words   |  6 PagesMacy’s Inc. Fiscal Year End: January 29, 2011 Date of Report: April 25th, 2011. By - Monika Gupta The annual report and 10-K filings were obtained from The financial statements included in the annual report are as follows: consolidated statements of operations, consolidated balance sheets, consolidated statements of changes in shareholders’ equity, consolidated statement of cash flows, and notes to consolidated financial statements. In the report, Macy’s Inc. recognizes severalRead MoreMacys vs Nordstroms Essay2858 Words   |  12 PagesStatement Analysis: Macy’s Inc. vs. Nordstrom, Inc. MACY’S, INC. a. Macy’s, Inc. is a retail organization operating retail stores and Internet websites under two brands (Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s) that sell a wide range of merchandise, including men’s, women’s and children’s apparel and accessories, cosmetics, home furnishings and other consumer goods. Macys’ competitors include other middle priced-ranged department stores including Nordstrom, Bed Bath Beyond, Belk, Bon Ton, Burlington CoatRead MoreMarketing Retail Management Notes1974 Words   |  8 Pagesassociates Store Hours MKT 307 Retail Mgt Wednesday, January 23, 2008 List of retail entrepreneurs among Forbes top 400 Walton Family (Wal-Mart) Fisher (The Gap) Wexner (Limited) Menard (Menards Marcus, Bank (Home Depot) Kellogg (Kohls) Schulze (Best Buy) Levine (Family Dollar) You are faced with an Ethical Decision: What Can You Do? #61664;Ignore your personal values and do what your company asks you to do- you will probably feel dissatisfied with your job #61664;Take

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Different Perspectives of People’s Feelings Free Essays

The Killing Circle: The Deferent Perspectives on Peoples Feelings Everyday around the world many terrible, and tragic crimes take place were not everyone Is aware of every single crime. Whether It Is a robbery, a kidnapping, a murder or even a case of missing books to someone out there It matters, but to others it may not. In the novel, The Killing Circle the author Andrew Paper shows that when something bad happens it tends to only affect an individual if that person were in that situation, or has a loved one in that current situation compared to society were people would just not care at all. We will write a custom essay sample on Different Perspectives of People’s Feelings or any similar topic only for you Order Now An example this situation in real life would be let’s say a fisher men’s daughter was murdered and as a father he is devastated. Now to that fisher man’s family this is a tragic moment in their lives, knowing that a person that they truly, deeply cared about is now gone forever. Now to society more than half of them may not be aware of this event, or be aware and Just not care because those people It may not affect them personally as It would to the fisher men’s family. This novel has a similar event were random murders take place, and the mall antagonist Patrick Rush does not care about what Is happening In his city and he goes not care of what happened to those people that died, until his one and only son is kidnapped by the mysterious Sandman. Andrew Paper shows that what a person feels when losing someone close to them is completely different for what society or someone not as close may go through and develops this theme by using Patrick Rush’s situation as an example. To begin, everyone knows when anything big or small happens one way to find out would be probably watching or reading the news. Although the news is a good for giving people information on recent events, it is also something that hurts the hearts f the families of which the news could be about. Andrew Paper shows that when something happens to someone close to you It Is very painful, but to someone In the media It Is something that person can exploit and use to their benefit. He uses Imagery to make the readers Imagine a scenario that which the readers can feel how both a family member may feel and someone In society. For example, Mom can Imagine. A father loses his son at the movies, the boy snatched away in the time it takes to buy hot dogs and onion rings- it’s a summer weekend news editor’s dream come true. (Paper, 265) This example shows the father that lost his son would be devastated, worried, and angry that it happened, but this story for the news editor is something he could potentially use as the next top story in his article. Taking it a step further it even shows that when people in the society listen to this news most may not even care and that little amount that does care will slowly start to not care as well, but the family that lost their son will never stop caring until he would return safely home. Relating this to daily life there are many examples of when news porters take advantage of the worst situations Just to get a better rating for their show. For example, channel 6 news was trying to get out some Information on what happened to this teen who was shot out of her mother. For a parent that just lost their daughter the last thing the parent’s would want at that time would be a reporter annoying them that is why that teens mother got angry and replied † ‘K, that’s good’ when asked for a reaction to her daughter’s shooting, but then suddenly hurled a rock at ABACA photographer Marc Jackson† (Zimmerman, Para 3). This shows that even t a situation like this the reports do anything it takes to get some good news for their viewers, even if it hurts the hearts of the poor families. Furthermore, near the end of the book as stated Patrick Rush’s son goes missing, and in such cases many people in this common society would simply give up on either searching for him or already think his son would be dead. In this situation the readers can imagine what Patrick is going through, in his state of mind he allows the reading to sense how he is feeling by saying â€Å"There’s the shots of local volunteers reaching for clues, for body parts. And there’s the father, his skin speckled and spongy as oatmeal, aerobically pleading for his boys safe return† (Paper, 265). This shows that the volunteers in the society are already searching for clues, and Andrew Paper specifies that the volunteers are searching for body parts meaning that the volunteers must already be assuming Patriot’s son to be dead. Patrick on the other hand is feeling depressed, as if he cannot move anymore without him, as if his skin feeling like it is going to melt, begging for his son to return safe. The readers can feel hat Patrick is in pain, and clearly the volunteers helping to find the boy are not, thus proving that a what a family goes through is completely different from what others in this common society would go through. This argument could be related to a recent tragedy that happened in Toronto where a man named Tim Bosom was fallen victim to a group of evil people that murdered him over a few vehicles. A few vehicles were recovered by the police, and a statement was given by an owner of one of the vehicles. He said â€Å"it’s Just a bike,’ MacDougall said. ‘It’s nothing compared to what the Bosoms are going through now. They’ll never get Tim back. ‘This is sad, really sad† (Casey, Para 6). Mr.. MacDougall knows that what the Bosoms are going through is very difficult, and many people in Toronto probably did not even know of this incident that occurred, and do not feel what the Bosom family is going through. Thus, this recent event helps to prove that only families can understand how it feels when you lose someone because they are so close to him, compared again to society where people Just do not have that same personal connection. Finally, Patrick shows that people that only people that are close to you actually if the main and sorrow when you are gone. Although he realizes this after his son is kidnapped, he still shows that he now understands how it feels to lose someone, and why others aside from him may not. Patrick says â€Å"Harm tends to come from when you lose ones you know the best† (Paper, 267). Here Andrew Paper uses what Patrick said to show that only when a person loses someone close to them is when that person would experience any type of emotional feelings; compared to someone that might not know that person to well and may not go through the same type of feelings that someone that was close to that person goes through. Looking outside the book, everyone in the world is scared of losing someone that is close to them; by looking online you can find millions of quotes or Just ordinary people that have shared this feeling. For example, an unknown person said â€Å"I’m always scared of losing someone close to me†¦ ND Ted up to being told ‘it’ll be tine† (Losing Someone trot Death Quotes, 4). The quote said by an anonymous source is basically saying that losing someone close to you can be really scary or even depressing Just to think about, and people around you may not feel the same as you do. This is Just one opinion of the lions of people i n the world, and Andrew Paper being one is trying his hardest to prove that only if a person that loses someone close to them goes through completely different feelings than a person not as close goes through. In conclusion, Andrew Paper using this novel to help prove that the emotions somebody shares when losing someone dear to them is completely different for someone that is not close to that person. By using Patrick Rush’s situation as a main example he helped to prove this thesis, and by comparing it to outside sources in this essay the readers now are totally clear on his message. Anyone would be terrified to even think about losing someone like their brother, sister, mother or father, or even their closest friend. What the author wanted to show is that only people close to that person that might have died or gone missing feel the pain and others do not. The real life examples of Tim Bosom, the mother that lost her daughter, and many people around the world helped to prove this thesis, and the main message Andrew was trying to get across. Everyone who was read his books will understand Andrew Peer’s message, but only when the readers were to go through the same ideal or situation is when they will truly realism he importance of how feelings are different for every individual. How to cite Different Perspectives of People’s Feelings, Papers

Monday, May 4, 2020

Internet Computing for Second Conference-

Question: Discuss about theInternet Computing for Second International Conference. Answer: Introduction: This Assignment will emphasise on the basis of the collection of 12 articles based on Analyzing Social Network Security and Privacy. The following 12 articles will help to analyze and research the various methodologies and techniques which are going to be used for the intention of data gathering, fact-finding. In this report, these 12 articles will also reflect the viewpoint of the scholars and various security issues in online social network and their possible solutions. Main Body: Security Issues in Online Social Networks (Hongyu Gao, Jun HU, Tuo Huang, Jingnan Wang and Yan Chen, 2011) This research has been done to analyse the present security threats in online social networks and available tools and mechanisms to overcome online threat that arises during social networks activities. This research also highlights various kinds of security threats present while doing social networking activities. In this research security threats in online social networks has been categories into four groups and try to find out the appropriate system and mechanism to reduce or overcome the security threat. In this research, the authors discussed every individual category and analyze the relations between the different security issues involved. This research also focuses on privacy and security breach attacks which are very common threats in online social networks. Other than this a brief analysis of the security breaches has been done which has been formed on behalf of serviced provider which includes client-server architecture and responsibility of the service provider to protect t he security of individuals privacy. The researcher has discussed and proposed various alternative OSN architectures for the defence purpose during online networking activities. Other than security breaches by the service provider, users security breaches and third-party application security breaches are also explained (Gao, et, al, 2011). Social Privacy Protector - Protecting Users Privacy in Social Networks (Michael Fire, Dima Kagan, Aviad Elishar, and Yuval Elovici, 2012) This research has been done by the experts of Telekom Innovation Laboratories and Information Systems Engineering Department. This research has been done mainly to evaluate various security issues involves in social networking and its solution. The authors have discussed the security threat and personal privacy threat involved in social networking site FaceBook. The FaceBook has been taken as a case study and various analyses have been done to access the amount of personal information being shared in Face-Book and the consequences of the publicized of personal information in such extents. The authors also discussed the three protection layer of FaceBooks security model , its functioning and effectiveness The security features have been elaborately disused such as authentication process to ensure the registration of user in FaceBook and other user enabled features to protect the privacy and personal information .this research also discussed about the Social Privacy Protector Architect ure in FaceBook such as the friends analyzer Facebook Application, Social Privacy Protector Firefox Addon, and HTTP server security (Fire, et, al, 2012). Privacy in Social Networks Existing Challenges and proposals for Solution (Prof. Dr.Gunther Pernul, 2015) This research has been done to provide the basic information about the security issue in Social networking. Various images and graphical information has been utilized during the illustration of the security models and loopholes in social networking. The primary agenda of the research is to understand the various privacy settings in online social networks. Other agenda of this research is to acknowledge OSN stakeholders and its implications for Privacy. Various tools and process to improve privacy on the provider side as well as addressing the user consciousness has been discussed. This research is not only based on depth analysis of the networking security issue, but to acknowledge the different models of security in social media and user-based privacy protection such as Privacy setting on OSNs in which different options are available for the user. The author also discussed the secure procedure of sharing personal file and information in social media (Gunther ,et,al, 2015). Security Issues in Social Networking (Damera Vijay Kumar, P S S Varma2, and Shyam Sunder Pabboju, 2013) The motive of this research is to analyze the security issue in Social Networking in personal and organizational level. This research also concerns about extensive uses of the social networking by individual and organisations .Most of the organisation are using social media without proper security measures to promote their business which can lead to data theft and other online security issues. The author investigates the dangerous effects of social media such as cyber attacks and data theft in a corporate network. The research also emphasis on various kind of security threat which arises from the comment posted by employees on social media which may cause serious reputational damage for the organization (Kumar , et ,al, 2013). Privacy and social networks (Antoine Fressancourt, 2012) The scope of this research is not limited to security issues, but the author has analyzed the various problems and issue regarding the data security. In this research, the author has elaborately discussed the problem related to the individuals privacy which has been arises due to extensive use of social networking. This research emphasis on important networking security issues such as the process to protect the privacy in the social network, the various regulations that social networking sites required , technological solutions to prevent the privacy for social networks .In this research, various technical issues have been discussed along with various mechanism to protect the users data (, 2018). This research highlighted the critical role of third party service providers. This research also evaluates the complexity of privacy protection and process to deal with misuse of private information in social networking Security and Privacy Measurements in Social Networks: Experiences and Lessons Learned (Iasonas Polakis, Federico Maggi, Stefano Zanero, Angelos D. Keromytis, 2014) The point of view of this research is exploring the practical security and privacy problems which are major issues in the real world in social networks. The authors have shown their ethical concern and IRB approval during the practical exploring the security and privacy problems. The role of SPAM or malware has been analyzed. This research also analyse the various stages of large-scale experiments in OSNs and their workflow. The authors have shared their experience and mishaps happened while researching the possible threat while using various online social networking. The approach for the research has been based on Ethical aspects; photo-based social authentication, threat model, and findings of the research (Polakis ,et, al, 2014). Security and Privacy in Online Social Networks - A Survey(Ed Novak and Qun Li, 2012) The motive behind this research is to highlight the primary issues related to privacy and security in online social networks. The objective of this research is to protect user data and save the user personal and sensitive information from various types of attack which includes advertisers, third-party application developers an online social network platform provider. The various aspects of threats such as locating hubs, network inference, and user attributes have been studied. To understand the security threat the client-server architectures and distributed social networks also analyzed. This research also discussed about the software and hardware systems based on online social network with different models to find out the possible threat and networking failure (Novak and Li, 2012). Security and Privacy in Social Networks (Gail-Joon Ahn, Mohamed Shehab and Anna Squicciarini, 2011) The research discussed the contribution of online social networking sites and their popularity. Authors concerns about the current trends in social networks which require users to become part of the system and policy administrators to protect their online data and information. The unprotected security system of online social network has creates the major security concerns regarding the privacy and data security. This research also discussed the recent emergence of security threat which creates a huge challenge for the researcher and established them in a highly complicated networking arena. This research also investigates the various social network sites and their mode of online communications. This research shows that the various types of online networking sites, their mode of communication and their networking structure. Each social networking site have their own networking system, hence the security threat occurs in different online networking sites are different. The authors also discussed about the Protecting personal informations which are generally linked to various other information, therefore, ensuring the protection of individuals personal information is quite challenging (Ahn ,et ,al, 2011). Analysis of Privacy in Online Social Networks from the Graph Theory Perspective (Leucio Antonio Cutillo, Refik Molva and Melek Onen, 2011) The aim of this research is to analyse the various security issues arises due to extensive uses of online social networks (OSNs). To analyze the security issues authors have discussed the centralized or de-centralized character of the OSN. Author viewed that the privacy and security mainly depend on the graph- theoretical properties of the social media platforms and the methodology and patterns of friendly relations between the users. In this research three metrics are discussed (Cutillo, et, al, 2011). The three metrics are degree distribution, clustering coefficient and mixing time. This research also investigates the relationship between the topological architectures based on social network graph and interaction between the users and service providers. The analysis of social networking has been done on the real threat on the real social network platform. Privacy in Online Social Networks (Elie Raad and Richard Chbeir , 2014) The main objective of this research is to assess the influence of social media in our daily life and its effects. This research also highlights the networks utilize in online social networking. In this research, the data flow diagram, data sharing, and inter-user communication are discussed with their possible privacy-related issues. The major issues about preventing privacy and a various potential threat of invasion available during personal information exchange have been discussed. The analysis has been done on resorting to social network and link mining technique and other privacy issues. In this research, some major challenges are discussed on future privacy related model and data security (Raad and Chbeir, 2014). Role of Security in Social Networking (David Hiatt and Young B. Choi, 2016) The objective of this research is to analyze the various security tools and prevention methods to secure the individuals private information. In this research, various types of security risks associated with social media have been discussed. This research has been completed to help the reader to understand the security and privacy issues. This research also discussed the various steps and process by which a user can protect the personal information and various security tools have been discussed with their ability and limitation which can be utilized by the social network organizations to enhance the security (Hiatt and Choi, 2016). Network Security Threats and Protection Models (Amit Kumar and Santosh Malhotra, 2015) The research describes various network security threat models. In this research, some widespread threat has been discussed such as Trojan horses and spyware, Denial of service attacks (DOS), Data interception and theft. This research also discussed the design of the potential network architecture which provides security from any kind of data threat and other online mischievous activities. The research is based on server security holes which are the major causes of any security threat and theft of data and information. In this research, the authors have discussed protection models based on networking securities. In order to analyze the data and network security, various networking model and firewall has been discussed. Some security breaches techniques such as flooding, keyloggers, Trojan, Phishing, Radio Jamming and other security problems has been elaborately discussed(Kumar and Malhotra, 2015). This research also discussed different layers of protection models in online social network to prevent the cyber attack and data threat. The advanced firewall architecture and improvement of access control procedure has been analyzed. The authors also analyze the consistency problem in firewall rules. The author proposes the highly efficient real-time approach to identify inconsistencies in the firewall. Author emphasis on Firewall Anomaly Management Environment (FAME) and research have been done in order to design and built a powerful firewall architecture which allows the administrator to trace the security threat. Conclusion: From exploring 12 articles above that are mostly related to security thereat and privacy issues arises in social network , it can be conclude that there are various security issues in social networking ,therefore the preventing measures and proper networking security is very essential. References: Gao, H., Hu, J., Huang, T., Wang, J., and Chen, Y. (2011). Security issues in online social networks. IEEE Internet Computing, 15(4), 56-63. Fire, M., Kagan, D., Elishar, A., and Elovici, Y. 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